I Agree to Disagree, do you Agree?

I have to say, that election years are a tough time to live in a social media fueled world! Everyday when I log into Facebook I am prepared to see a lot of angry and hateful posts. Like most people, my Facebook friends are a very diverse group, some from grade school, some from college, some are past and present coworkers and others are family. The majority of these people are not a part of my “inner circle” so to speak. I don't see or talk to them daily, it is just nice to know they are there and to keep up with the highlights (and lowlights) they choose to share with the world. Now, with that being said, it is safe to say that I am not on the same page with all of these people. We are not necessarily members of the same political party, nor do we all share the same beliefs or morals but in one way or another, I share some kind of connection with each of these people. A few weeks back Stephanie wrote about how it is okay to not be friends with someone on Facebook and I agree wholeheartedly with that; but I also know that you don't have to agree with each person that you do choose to be friends with.

Since I am originally from East TN, VOLS football is a common denominator between most folks there. It is assumed that if you are from Knoxville, that you bleed orange! But, occasionally, you run across that Gator lovin' East Tennessean and you make a choice. Do you automatically dislike them because of their choice, or do you choose to agree to disagree? Now, I am not saying there won't always be that friendly rivalry and banter exchanged, but most of the time, we can choose to disagree without sacrificing the relationship.
So, why can't we do the same thing with politics? There is no cut and dry answer. No wrong or right answer. Believe me, I wish there was. We all have different convictions and different reasons for why we choose the candidate we choose. Just as we all have a reason our loyalties lie with one sports team over another. Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to downplay the importance of choosing the right Presidential Candidate for yourself. I know that a lot more is on the line in that decision than choosing who to root for on Saturday. But what I am doing is asking you to not be so harsh towards others for making their own choice. After all, that is what America is built on.

You ever heard the phrase, “You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar”? Well, that is one of those Southern Sayings that our momma's have always told us and I think that it really just boils down to the Golden Rule and loving others. You sure wouldn't want anyone to treat you poorly because of what you believe, no matter what that is, so why do you find it acceptable to do it to others? Not to mention, the best way to win anyone over to your side, is through kindness. No one wants to be on the same team as a hateful unaccepting person.

So, here is my challenge, agree to disagree. Love each other anyway. Encourage each other. Pray for each other. Open your eyes, your mind and most importantly your heart. See things from the other side of the fence. If someone was to base your character solely on your behavior related to the Presidential Election, what kind of legacy would you be leaving behind? One of love? Or one of hate and anger? Think on that for a while. Maybe it is time we all just agree to disagree, don't you agree?