Words, the most powerful tool we carry
with us everywhere we go. The very thing that can cut someone to the
core or lift them to the clouds, depending on which ones you choose
and how you put them together. Some are set to music others are
arranged to rhyme. We use them as identifiers, to express feelings,
to imply emphasis. At least, that is how life used to be.
We now live in a world where everything
is sped up, faster is better. Shorter is more efficient. We type in
shorthand and sometimes even speak it. The world of LOL and OMG has
become a boring reality. We all do it, I can throw no stones. This
actually all came about because of a conversation I was having this
morning via FB Messenger. (One of my most frequent means of
communication, part of being an introvert I guess.) Anyway, I was
having a chat with my BFF (see there it is again) and her story was
particularly hilarious and I kept finding myself typing LOL as a
response. After the third time I said, “wow, I really think I need
to broaden my vocabulary”. But, I mean, what do you do throw in a
haha here and there? I guess there are some things that are just hard
to replace in text. Maybe I will start using emojis instead.
But, then I started thinking, words are
so under-appreciated now. We are always taking the easy way out.
Statements aren't beautiful anymore, they are just statements. There
is very little left to interpretation. I don't think there are many
statements made today that will cause someone to stop in their tracks
and truly contemplate 100 years from now. Timeless statements seem to
be a thing of the past. I actually worry that kids aren't even being
taught “flowery” words in classrooms today. Colorful adjectives
and effective adverbs can put such a spin on an otherwise ordinary
So, here is my challenge. Speak like
you want to be remembered. Do you want to be known as the LOL girl or
do you want to be known as someone who always spoke so that you
clearly made your point and helped others to feel what you are
saying? I don't know about you, but I choose the later!