- Pick Your Store(s).... When you are first starting your couponing journey, I encourage you to take it one store at a time. Pick a store you are most comfortable with that is convenient to you. DO NOT start with drug stores. That is another post, for another time.
- Knowledge is POWER (and money).... Once you have picked your store, visit their website and download their coupon policy. EVERY store has one. But that isn't enough, you then need to contact your local store and ask them about their policies. In a lot of cases, managers have the power to override the policy, so it pays to check. The other thing you are going to want to learn is the lingo. There are lots of abbreviations and such that you will want to learn in order to understand what you are reading. You also need to learn when to recognize a "good deal" just because it is on "sale" and you have a coupon, does NOT mean you need to buy it. Learn what an acceptable price is for the items you buy, then learn what a stock up price is. We will touch more on this in another post as well.
- What do I use anyway?.... If you are anything like me, you walk into a store for two or three things and leave with everything except the milk that you went after. The same thing happens when I try to plan meals, I can't even think that I possibly know how to cook enough meals to fill a whole week, never mind trying to remember what all is required to make said meal. So, take some time and make a master list. I use an Open Office spreadsheet on my computer but a handwritten one will work fine. I use this as an inventory so to speak. I tried downloading one off the internet but every household is different, so it really is better to just make your own. Mine is broken down into categories. But, do what works best for you. Make sure you do this for hygiene items and medicines as well. This will help you to not clip coupons for things you will never use. For instance, there are ALWAYS diaper coupons, but I don't have any need for them, so it would be silly for me to buy them JUST because they are on sale. Update this list weekly or monthly with how many of each item you have in your stockpile, that was you know when you need to start looking for sales on specific items.
- Where to find coupons.... Coupons are literally everywhere but for starters, look to your Sunday paper. There are schedules posted all over the internet for what inserts to expect each week of the year. Just Google it. Online is also a great resource for coupons. You can print them from sources such as Coupons.com and you only select the ones you know you need. There are also coupon clipping services that you can find online where you select the specific coupons and quantities that you are looking for. I haven't personally used one, but I know several people who have. Once you get the hang of things a little more, you will start noticing coupons in your magazines and hanging on shelves in your local grocery store and stuck to the products themselves. Just always be on the lookout.
- Organization is key.... You have to find a system that works for you! I use a three ring binder with baseball card inserts and dividers. But, that may not work for you. Find an efficient way that suits your shopping style and make it work! Oh, and it never hurts to make it pretty because it will become your new constant friend!
- Patience!.... I know this is everyone's favorite word, but it really is important in order to be successful. Be patient with yourself. You aren't going to figure this out overnight. Take it one step at a time and know that you are working towards saving your family a lot of money. More time will be required in the beginning until you figure out a system that works for you. Then, it will become like second nature. I also feel like I may need to shed some light on something here, the TV show Extreme Couponing, IS NOT REALITY! You will save a surprising amount of money and you will develop a fantastic stockpile but it won't happen over night and it won't happen at one store.
- When Should I Shop?.... Choosing the best time to shop is crucial. To avoid loosing your train of thought and annoying people in line at the register you don't want to be in there when everyone else in town is too. So, avoid peak hours like right when school gets out. I also suggest shopping sales on the day they begin. I know this isn't always possible or convenient but you have a better chance of getting the quantities that you want if you do. If that isn't possible or you miss a time, check with your local store manager and find out when they restock and go then! I also briefly want to mention coupon etiquette (this is the South after all, we must use our manners!). I will save the majority of that info for another post but I did want to mention shelf clearing. Some don't have a problem with buying the last three cases of toilet paper and leaving the next busy mom high and dry, but I do. Be courteous. Stockpiling is GREAT but just be considerate. We don't want to contribute to the bad wrap that couponers are getting. If you know you are going to order LOTS of something, ask your manager if they can order extra just for you or to hold some and come back when they get their next shipment. Now, if there are only a few on the shelf, then it is fair game. You will just have to use your judgement in this area.
- Don't Exhaust Yourself!.... I was hardcore couponing in the beginning. I spent hours learning all I could and saving money at every turn (this is part of my personality type though, total INTJ). I built up a great stockpile and then, I was exhausted! The holidays were coming and then I started a new job and I just couldn't do it like I was. Well, I learned, that is okay! We lived off of our stockpile for several months and then, I just picked it back up. I figure, it helped to make sure things were getting used as they should instead of sitting in the cabinet for forever!
- Enjoy it!.... One of my FAVORITE things to do after a morning of couponing is to sit everything on my kitchen counter and take a picture! Then I store everything in it's appropriate place (also something I enjoy a little too much) and pat yourself on the back, because what you have just accomplished is HUGE! Saving money on the things that you HAVE to buy, is amazing and you should be proud of yourself!
look forward to writing more about couponing and please feel free to
ask questions! I certainly don't have all the answers, but I will do
my best to answer!