Stop Tolerating the Intolerable

As most of you know, working in the public doesn't come without challenge. There are many parts of my job I enjoy, there are others that I just don't like at all. A big part of my responsibilities include collections. While it is true that I knew what I was getting into when I took on the job, that doesn't mean it comes without thorns. This week in particular I have dealt with two repossession situations and neither have been easy, but both have made me think. I find myself reflecting on the lies that are told and the harsh words that are said and I wonder why they flow so easily from some mouths. In the past. I have always just said, “I am glad my mama taught me better” or more simply “how disrespectful”, but today a new reality hit me.

I work in a small office and we try to stay on the same page so that no one is blindsided when dealing with a particular customer or situation.While relaying a conversation I had with a customer which involved my being called a very inappropriate name, I was told not to take it to heart. But, I think that is actually the problem. We have become so tolerant of being called names and spoken to with little to no respect that it has just become “the norm” and it shouldn't be. By tolerating bad behavior we are accepting bad behavior and with acceptance comes mass reproduction.

I for one am tired of the hate and anger that has become so widely spread. My heart hurts for children who are growing up in a world where they aren't encouraged and lifted up by strangers and loved ones alike. I am saddened by the lack of love shown in a smiling face while passing someone on the street. These things have been replaced by judgement and bullying, by whispering and eye rolling. These are not the things that our nation was built on. These are the very things that are crumbling our foundations. Our families, our churches, our schools and our nation are all suffering and it starts in the heart of each of us. It is time that we all do our part. Start holding each other accountable. Stop tolerating the intolerable. Start taking things personally and then do something about it. It is time that we mend our foundations and build strong families and communities again. It is time we make a difference!

Share with us the difference you are making!